Welcome to The Scottish National Fat Stock Club
The Scottish National Fat Stock Club was founded to promote the production of Scottish Primestock and to support the Scottish agricultural industry.
The club runs the Scottish National Winter Fair in November each year, which attracts entries from all over the UK, showcasing the best of prime beef and lamb and also includes classes for Baking, Crafts, Crooks, Pure Bred Stock and supporting trade stands and demonstrations.
The Club also runs the Scottish Premier Meat Competition in conjunction with M & S. This live/Dead competition enjoys large entries from beef and sheep farmers from all over the country who are able to bring their stock and follow the live judging and carcase classification.
The Highland and Shetland ponies have always had a close Association with the farming industry, and we continue to support The Native Pony Show which is also held in November every year.
Come and join us at any of our events and enjoy the best of Scottish agriculture.